See the results of the cxtrends Report from Zendesk , customer service expertsA 5% increase in customer retention rate means a profit increase of between 25% and 95%.75% of customers are willing to spend more with your company if you offer them a good shopping experience .65% of company profits are generated by loyal customers.You have a 60%-70% + probability of sale with a current customer and only 5% with a new one.67%+ loyal customers spend at your company, compared to new ones.
It costs 5 times more to acquire new customers than to retain them.Other Mailing Data Pro interesting data are also93% will spend more if you offer their preferred customer service option (social media, chat, etc.)92% will spend more with companies that assure them that they will not have to repeat the information.90% will spend more with companies that personalize the customer service they offer.89% will spend more with companies that allow them to find answers online without having to contact anyone.
Second impressions count opportunities to growIn general, customers do not believe they are important to companies once they have made their purchase. customers as a business priorityThis may be real, but there is a new generation of customers who will no longer accept this and marketing has to adapt to this change.At Seonet we accompany you in this evolution with personalized, experiential and emotional Customer Marketing strategies . so they continue to choose you.