The individual menu items must be displayed large enough and with sufficient spacing so that the user can easily tap on them. The user should be able to tell whether a menu item redirects them directly to a page or whether another sublevel opens first. You can mark this visually , for example with an arrowhead pointing to the right (= the user is redirected to the corresponding page) or downwards (= another level opens in the menu). mobile menu with subcategories At Bonprix.de, arrowheads visualize whether another level opens in the menu (e.g. if “Living” is tapped, the subcategories are expanded) or whether the user is directed to a page (e.g. the item “To Overview” leads to the “Living” overview page ").
The currently expanded category is marked with an upward arrow (in the Special Data example “Living” and “Carpets”). Sublevels must be accessible quickly - because the user doesn't want to have to go through countless intermediate pages on the way to the desired category or product type. Good planning of the information architecture is therefore a prerequisite. For good usability, it is also important that the menu can be closed again without any problems . This means: if an off-canvas navigation is displayed from the left when you tap on the menu, it must also be closed again to the left by swiping to the left or by touching “Close”/“X”. mobile menu You can read what else you should generally pay attention to on mobile sites in my article on mobile usability .
Excursus: How useful is the burger menu? A lot has already been written and discussed about the usefulness of the burger menu. The fact alone how frequently the three dashes are used on mobile websites (and sometimes desktop pages) speaks for itself. Most users now know that the navigation menu is hidden behind this icon. However, you should be aware that users may make less use of this hidden navigation. In most cases, the frequency of menu use is significantly lower for the hamburger menu. On desktop, visible navigation is clicked about 2x more often than hidden navigation, such as: B. a burger menu.