Reliable content outside it, e.g. on the websites of influencers you work with. At this stage, you gain the trust of the potential customer. Conversion At this stage, the user enters a specific type, brand or product name into the search engine. It will land on your website if it has a unique, extensive product description. Do you notice a large number of exits from your product subpages? There are ways to stop the user and help him make a decision. On the product subpage, you can place a link to an article typical of the conversion stage, i.e. a product test , e.g. in the form of a video with a cute dog as the hero. Loyalty The customer made a purchasehe bought food for his mastiff. Firstly, we helped him choose a product with interesting, extensive content on the website, and secondly, they write good things about us online.
Your strategy is working, but now is not the time to rest on your laurels. This customer is worth taking care of. See how much you know about him! With this in mind, you can create an article "How to care for the joints of giant dogs?" and Algeria WhatsApp Number send it to him in the newsletter, of course along with recommended supplements to strengthen joints. You need to constantly be part of his worldcreate content that will constantly attract him to the brand and organize activities that will encourage him to interact with the brand e.g. competitions, quizzes, participation in a loyalty program based on gamification. Long-term benefits of content marketing activities A satisfied customer,
highly engaged and associated with your brand, generates content about the brand user-generated contentthe holy grail of marketing. Such a user will comment on a forum, add a positive opinion in a store or on an opinion portal, write a product review on his blog or express his opinion on social media. For free ! , only because you took care of his experience at every stage of the purchasing process, you gave and constantly give him what he needs. This is how an effective content marketing strategy works. AI in e-commerce interview with Senuto We talk to Adam SkrzypekProduct Manager at Senuto about how Senuto uses AI in website positioning, Big Data, analytics and marketing. What were the .