I have been able to enjoy the Spanish television series The invisible line composed of six chapters of about minutes each which Mariano Barroso has directed in this year taking advantage of a script written by Alejandro Hernández Michel Gaztambide Natxo López and himself. based on an idea by Abel García Roure creator and executive producer of the group all of them very well supported by a solvent team of historians who have advised them of which Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla especially stands out and who has also had the contribution of José Antonio Pérez Pérez .
Invisible lineThe matter of The Invisible Line is well known and very delicate: the beginning of what defenders of Basque nationalist terrorism call the armed struggle and what historians more commonly call: Basque nationalist terrorism . That invisible line CXB Directory would be the threshold that some young people aware of the torturous weight of Francoism on the Basque territories crossed to decide to kill and die and as one of the characters in the series says “fill Euskadi with this pain” the pain of death the pain of blood the pain that does not allow turning back in the exercise of violence.
The two protagonists of the serial are the first ETA martyr Txabi Echebarrieta¸ on one side and the Francoist commissioner and first victim wanted by ETA Melitón Manzanas on the other. In my article 'The past invites it does not determine: Manuel Montero and the historian's profession' written for my magazine Insurrección I confirmed the following in this regard: History understood as the past installed in the understanding of societies did not determine the Basque nationalists to kill history invited them and only some of them decided to do so and with it bring an incessant rain of lead on the Basque Country. about Spain.