A B Testing Pricing ultichannel outreach tool. They started by $ month for Basic Plan $ month for Pro Plan $ month for Advanced Plan dripify pricing . Octopus CRM Octopus CRM is a browser based linkedin automation tool that focus only on Linkedin. You can easily send personalized messages to target profiles in your second or third-degree networks and send bulk messages to your first degree connections.
Tool Type Linkedin Messaging Tool Automation Type Browser Based seo expate bd Features Auto connect Auto messages Auto profile visits Auto endorsement Bypass linkedin connection request limit Connect with Zapier and Hubspot Pros Cons Bypass linkedin connection request Needs to have the browser opened a lot of possible actions Doesn’t extract email and phones Bulk messages to st degree connections Cheap Pricing month for the Basic plan.
Month for the Pro plan $ . month for the Advanced plan $ . month for the Unlimited plan octopus crm pricing . WeConnect WeConnect present itself as the most safe, advanced and affordable LinkedIn outreach platform. This tool is focused on linkedin messaging automation. Tool Type Linkedin Messaging Tool Automation Type Cloud Based Features Send connections Send linkedin messages Send Inmails Send linkedin message requests Pros Cons Identify.