Indeed your site may be more vulnerable to errors and broken links
For SEO strategy, this means that the weight of humans is increasingly important compared to indexing robots. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to certain key points: make the pages easier to read (table of contents, breadcrumbs, aesthetic layout, coherent structure, etc.), improve the loading speed (beyond 3 s, the half of the traffic is lost), offer a “responsive” site (to appeal to the growing number of mobile users) and reduce invasive pop-ups and advertisements. Good to know: to combine UX and SEO, you must offer intuitive navigation, an optimized internal link and a responsive responsive design site.Why think about SEO strategy in the long term? Position 0 on specific queries An SEO strategy can target position 0 – that is, the one at the very top of the Google results page. Over the years, the search engine has continued to redefine the ranking of its Buy Bulk SMS Service results. Today, he will highlight the answer that he considers to be the most relevant to the question asked. This can take the form of a text, a paragraph, but also a list, a video or a comparative table.
Good to know: the objective of position 0 is only valid for specific requests, with a specific question. The long tail, the loyalty and quality approach A natural SEO strategy based on the long tail is long-term positioning: here, the objective is to attract visitors to a specific query. They will be fewer in number, but of higher quality.The long tailis characterized by a sequence of 3-4 keywords, constituting a string of keywords. For example, instead of positioning yourself on “coat”, which is highly competitive, you can work on “Where to find a waterproof sailor coat” to better sell your yellow raincoats! Good to know: in the SEO strategy, you need to distinguish between the generic word “coat”, the specific word “marine coat” and the long-tail keyword “where to find a waterproof marine coat?” ".